Sunday, February 25, 2007

History of Western Philosophy

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Early Modern Philosophy
Recent Modern Philosophy

The Enlightenment: British ][ Continental
Kant: Synthetic A Priori ][ Experience and Reality ][ The Moral Law
Absolute Idealism: Fichte and Hegel ][ Later Idealists
Social Concerns: Bentham and Mill ][ Marx and Engels
Other Reactions: Kierkegaard ][ Nietzsche
Pragmatism: Peirce ][ James ][ Dewey, Mead, & Addams
Contemporary Philosophy
Beginnings: Logic and Mathematics ][ Phenomenology
Philosophical Analysis: Moore ][ Russell
Alternatives: Realism ][ Logical Positivism
Linguistic Analysis: Wittgenstein ][ Ryle and Austin ][ American Analysis
Existentialism: Heidegger ][ Sartre ][ de Beauvoir
Postmodernism: Critical Theory ][ Deconstruction
Feminism: Theory ][ Ethics ][ MacKinnon
ps: the underlined clickable words will lead you to further explainations....

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